Im a typical housewife, mother and wife. I like the idea of documenting every moment of 'big' events. But not to the extend of updating facebook status every hour. Or posting pictures of my homemade cooking (well i post pictures of my cakes but that's different because i dont bake much and it is only on instagram). Or hammering keyboards at every feelings that hit me; anger, sadness, happiness. Im more of the average jane who only shares other peoples shares. Who once in a blue moon shares instagram photos, which would be the picture of my daughter and that is it.
My latest find about the internet is that crazy horny phychopaths are smart enough to steal other people's pictures and post them online in porn sites! Worse, they steal pictures of children and categorise them under pornography? What a sick world we live in. And the children's pictures aren't even in nudes or anything like it. I mean, they get turned on just by looking at kids, fully dressed, maybe pose with legs a bit apart from one another (i mean come on, thats how kids sit because of the diapers and maybe because they're kids, they arent meant to sit still), lie down, or just sleeping. It is horrific. Knowing that these crazy people can access my accounts and steal my pictures and masturbate to them. Worse, my baby's pictures. I cant even imagine. Sick!
So as a precaution, i have deleted all of Zahra's pictures online. All. Every single one of them. Every pictures. Every videos. Sayang tak? Sayangggg. But i love her more. Im not going to jeapordise seeing one of her picture (which i uploaded) get on one of those sites. Sickening. I read that harith iskander, tomok and erra fazura's kids pictures are on the sites. I feel sorry for the parents and the babies. But ask ourselves, who to blame but the parents who uploaded the kids' pictures. As an alternative, im talking husband into printing all of our precious pictures and put them in scrapbook albums. Just like old days. Cuter right? From a parent to another, or a future parent, lets just take down all of our kids picture ok. Better, take down ours too.. because when i was scrolling down deleting zahra's pictures, i found my old pictures of which i was not covering my aurat properly. So i just delete all of our pictures.. everyone. To protect everyone else too (do you know that the crazy people can crop our faces and paste them on one of the pornstar's bodies, anything can be done these days ok). Maybe we should calm down with sharing every details of our lives. Being almost 29, i should slowly let this social media thing go.. lol.
Ps : an incident this morning, the land line rang. For quite a while. I was upstairs, pretty annoyed with the ringing and starts asking myself where in the world is my husband. Why cant he answer it. To my surprise, i saw both my husband and zahra looked at the phone while it rang. Just look at it. Standing in front of the tv and LOOK. Puzzled, i asked him "why dont you answer that?" My husband said, "it's 07". "So? It could be your friend". And what he said next cracked me. "Even i dont know our land line number. How would my friends know". Lol