it is almost all the time that you feel like its certain. what you feel is real. what you're doing is real. but sometimes doubt creeps in. for a female, i guess its almost routine to feel that way, because hormones. and i am like that sometimes. i doubt myself. it is mostly out of nothing and once i let the steam off to my roommate slash husband, i feel better again. but it keeps coming back at me and i dont like that those doubts ruin my days, i thought i should do something about it. and i am. slowly but surely? hopefully.
i have registered myself in a small business i want to be serious about it. and i want to build my dream slowly one page at a time. it is at such moments that you realise that only you can pick yourself up. i mean, my friends are obviously jealous of me that my husband looks after us very carefully and with such love, no doubt about that. what im talking about is what i want to do for myself. because basically my husband cant do it for me. he's very supportive but i gotta stand up and do it myself. finally walking the talk. i hope i am strong enough. and i hope i dont give up. im a sucker for stumbling and crying and retreating. i really want to go for it and if it turned our horrible i hope i will stand by it and make it work no matter what.
haha that's very vague? im just secretive about it. its such a baby i dont want to ruin it. when the time comes. and oh. its not about the small business that im doing because the small business is mary kay and that's not my dream but ok. its something else. we'll see about that?
honestly i have been talking about this since forever, if you read this from the beginning haha. ugh, im so weak. lol
ok bye xoxo
ps: we're going to pontian tomorrow. ape best guys?