Wednesday, December 9, 2015




Some days can be gloomy to Ansari.

But alhamdulillah there is her Azrul.

Maybe its that silly walk he has. Maybe its his camel shorts. Maybe its his rayban glasses. Maybe its his shaved moustache. Maybe its his beard. Maybe its the way he laughed with the cashier girl at the gas counter. Maybe its the smile he gave me when he walked back to the car. Maybe its the hand gesture he made signing crazy.

Some things he did purposefuly or accidentally, makes my day better. When i feel like shit and i cant see anything is going right for me, he proves he can turn everything around just by being him.

Thank you my dearest partner in crime, my bolster, my stress ball, my mirror, my anchor, my superman, the one who holds my heart in one hand, the one who fills it just by being present. My bestest friend.

Ps : we played kinect at ibu's house. He's leading at every game especially Just Dance. I cant believe this is happening. My husband dances to girls' songs better than i do. Lol. We should have a picture taken or a video recording our dance moves. We must look like idiot. Me especially, with the bump. XD