Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Upcoming Project


InsyaAllah we will be in Kota Bharu around this time tomorrow. Everyone back home is missing Zahra terribly. Especially her great grandfather. Raya cina plus hubby got terengganu job hence the trip. I'd love to see everyone back home too. Miss them so much. Honestly, i miss being little. I want to shrink.

But im not going to talk about that. Im going to talk about the fact that im not being a green thumb, wanting to buy plants, flowers, vege seed and maybe herbs to plant at our small garden. Ahh not garden lah. Just a few feet of dirt just beside the parking space. But enough to plant pokok cili or serai or pokok daun kari. At the moment we only have a medium sized pot of bougenvilea (i seriously forgot how to spell that and im too lazy to spell check). And the soil is very dry. Like gurun sahara ady. Very keras too. Hubby is aware of my disability to plant or at least transfer pot trees, but he is encouraging me anyway.

Back to the point. I need some suggestions on what to plant. Say, roses bush? Lemon grass? Or just carpet grass? Maybe 4 or 5 dangling small pots flower on the side fences. Im a little lost here. I honestly love gardening. But plants dont like me. They die after i try to plant them. Reason why i like bouquets more, turn them into dry flowers, potpouri.

Distracted again.

Anyway, those are the plans. Might just refer pinterest right? Lol.

Ok then. Good night lovely people. :*

Ps: had a True Detective marathon with my "roommate". Darn it i will be running around the house like crazy tomorrow packing our things. All because of i was "busy" watching tv. *cries*