Assalamualaikum and hi
I am really bored. And having so many things happened in the past months, made me write a little more these couple of weeks. Which is good according to a few people. And hey, i just found out someone used to think my blog was interesting. Maybe i wrote different kinds of things back then and i write a different ones now but im still happy lol. And i dont really know the person personally so that's like a genuine fan right? XD
Anyway, im trying to focus on writing a little more now because i want to kill some time and because im afraid im losing touch with the knowledge i have. I think i write silly. There i said it. So, i really appreciate any comment anybody has about my writing or content or anything. Honestly i dont proofread my posts until days after i post them (if i happen to remember to or i reread it). I think that's step two lol. Im just thinking about putting what i think out there and if you have any comments you may say it even if its brutal. I need it.
Being a stay-at-home wife slash mother, as of now, i will be writing about what i do. I am not a missus know-it-all but think of me as a very talkative woman who talks about her house and kids and sometimes her husband in probably a mushy way because why not. Lol. Also, im a closeted poet so i might throw you a few poems i wrote. Yes! I made some short poems so beware lol. Oh my God, there is a lot of LOL in this post i think its sugar rush, maybe i had too much milo before.
For the record, its weekend tomorrow. Everyone is asleep and here i am writing. Its a mom thing right? You beg for sleep but once everyone is sleeping, suddenly your mind lights up and all your good mood is surfacing because finally you have time for yourself, to be alone in your thoughts andddd you sleep late so tomorrow you wake up tired. Or maybe its just me. But dont get me wrong. I love my family and i love being the tired lioness that i always am. Hehe
But with that i bid good night. See you in the next post! And oh, if you have any comments you can leave it/them below the post, or you can email me at or if you're from Facebook or Twitter, you know how to reach me.
Thank you for reading!