Sunday, December 18, 2016




Im in a good mood. I have had enough sleep. I have had my dosage of cakes for the day. Husband took us out. Kids are asleep. Pretty much all great today. And oh! I didnt cook one bit today oh yeah. Except for muaz's lunch and dinner but that's just like a small pot of rice + diced chicken, potatoes and carrots. Left it on the stove until it turns gooey thats all. I wouldnt count that as cooking at all. Husband made breakfast this morning. My lovely husband. He even bought some cekmek. I should kiss him again later for the best day he gave me. Hew

Its 17 december guys. Thats a few weeks till 2017. Can you believe? What happened to 2016? Lol. Time moves so fast. And my 2016 has been amazing. Especially the part when we had muaz. Lets see part by part.

January we had aryan. Along's number three. He is so cute and cuddly. Just as smart as arysh. Zahra turned 2 in march. We celebrated her birthday in kota bharu. It was a coincidence that husband had a job in kota bharu. His company's first in kb, talisman. So we got to stay at the hotel and swim in the pool all we wanted. Mala made a brownies tower which was amazing. Trust me, her chocolate brownies are the best in kelantan. Maybe in malaysia too. And of course in may, i gave birth to muaz. Shortly after, husband had his 30th birthday wohoo. I gave him muaz. That counts right? Lol. Our small celebration in september. Cakes of course. Husband started his masters class that month too. He's very excited about continuing his studies. And my birthday in november. Im 30 too! Wohoo. Gosh thats not exciting at all. Ok maybe a bit but not entirely. Yada yada bam december. Our anniversary! Got my husband a set of electric shavers haha not that he needed one tho. And oh we got a matching converse. Because age-denial symptom i guess lol.

Throughout those months, we celebrated family member's birthdays, eids, fasting month, a few friends had family members loss, a few downs, a lot of ups, a huge amount of making loves, we had a new members in the family, there were weddings and engagements, my sisters had their major exams, my brother in law started his new semester in johor, my sister in law's graduation in kelantan, multiple visits to our favourite places, eateries, food and more food, i tried selling food, can you imagine? Lol. I believe there were so much more happenings. But i cant recall right now especially with the timeframe sorry. Hew.

Point being, we have lived another year. Almost. And we have made so many things. We have loved so hard. We tried new things. We built each other. Not just me and my husband, our families. And it feels great. I believe that we have had a great year. Alhamdulillah Allah is the greatest the most merciful and the most loving.

I pray for a beautiful year ahead. I pray for you to have a beautiful year ahead. Never stop praying. Allah is always listening. God willing.

Ps : husband has finished his studies. I was like a cheerleader just now lol. Ok then good night kind people. <3