Friday, May 15, 2015

Gary the snail



I feel like a terrible mother sometimes. I feel like i have failed my daughter. And that whatever i do wasnt good enough. For her. For us.

Today she touched a snail. A living freaking snail. I dont know which part exactly but im sure it was moving. Tentacles and every slimy thing was outside of the shell i suppose. We were at the porch. I was done hanging the laundry. Grabbed her yellow ball wanted to play with her. And i was taking her picture too. Hubby was at the nearest store buying eggs.

I mean, thank God i looked at what she was doing. If i were not? God knows what will happen. Ok now i feel like a bad mom again. Arghh

Truth is, i disappoint myself a lot concerning the matter of taking care of my daughter. It feels like i can do more. I should do more. Im expected to do more. And i settle for the average.

New life goal :
  • Make zahra happy
  • Make zahra feel safe
  • Kiss zahra a lot
  • Hug zahra a lot
  • Feed zahra a lot
  • Bath her 4 to 5 times a day
  • Talk to zahra
  • Respond to her with full attention when she babbles 
  • Do motor skill and sensory activity with zahra a lot
  • Hug her and look into her eyes when she breastfeeds
  • Read to her a lot
  • Pray with her and make doa with her tiny hands

I have not done enough of those. And maybe there are other things that need to be add up. Will update my life goal from time to time. Btw, zahra is asleep in the swing. After "helping" umi in the kitchen, baking vanilla butter cake for ayah. She squashed the margarine. She's a little faster now. We have to keep the shower door closed at all times because she might come out all wet from playing with the water. And keep the front door closed too. And the cherry to the cake, the stairs. Oh how she loves the stairs.


Ps: baking project is on. Im taking biskut raya orders. Anyone interested? Hehe. Oh btw, happy teachers day. As a former kindergarten teacher, i want to say, i love all of my students, especially the one who asked me what teacher means. :)

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